Hi, we’re the replacements

The banners that went missing after the 7/11 match never did turn up, so I had to re-do them. While I had the supplies out, I went ahead and added two new ones to the list.

Pat Phelan, “GRIT”: That’s an awful lot of blue paint for a guy with red hair.

Emmanuel Osei, “SLY”: After hearing that he doesn’t entirely speak English, I worried that his word–chosen in honor of his habit of showing up for sneak attack clearances–might get lost in translation.

Now, the re-paints:

Chris Albright, “HOPE”: As in “I hope he’s able to make it back this season, I’ve always liked the guy.”

Kevin Alston, “FRESH”: This was the most annoying one to have lost, since it had only made one appearance before disappearing.

Darrius Barnes, “SMOOTH”: It’s okay, baby, Smoove B will make it all better. Girl, I will hold that back line all night long. Damn.
if anybody besides me thinks this is funny, let me know

Amaechi Igwe, “BOLD”: We like him better than his sister.

Chris Tierney, “DRIVE”: If you must know, the source photo for this was taken from the CosmoGirl feature.

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